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Thursday, June 26, 2014

To Be Successful In Home Business You Have To Jump! 
OK, here's the deal, if you want to be successful, here's the thing you have to do, you have to jump,  there's no way around it, you have to jump!  Every successful person has jumped.  You got to jump!  You got to take a leap of faith! You got to dash off that cliff, and you got to jump out there as far as you can.  Now, a lot of times you stand on the cliff of life and you see other people soaring by, gliding down like a bird flying through the air, you know they goin on to the South of France, you see them on a boat somewhere, you see them family vacationing here, and you see them family vacationing there, you see them dress like this, you see them in New York, you see them in London.  They flying by, you know why?? Because their parachute opened, but the only way to get your parachute to open so you can soar, you got to jump!  Now here's the problem, here's the problem my friends, you jump I can assure you one thing, you listening?  I promise you this, your parachute will not open right away, nah-ah, that's the fear part, I promise you your parachute will not open right away.  You gonna hit those sides and those rocks, you gonna tear your back out on that cliff, you gonna cut yourself, you're gonna get wounded, you're gonna get some tears and stuff like that. but eventually your parachute will open, and you'll be soaring.  Here's the other caveat, I'm gonna teach you this right here, If you do not jump, I promise you one thing, your parachute will never open, so you're safe, but you will never soar. YOU'VE GOT TO JUMP!!!!!!
Special Thanks To Steve Harvey 
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