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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Home Business Myths...Q & A

Tim Sales and I want you to know who makes the most money through network marketing. Who really makes it to the top? Do you need to get in at the beginning to be successful? Before you join an MLM, find out for yourself who is getting rich off of network marketing.

Here is a Free Video Series That Should Be Able To Answer Some Commonly Asked Questions, Concerns And Complaints With A Last Follow Up By A Former President Of The United States Of America - President Bill Clinton. 

We Hope This MLM/Network Educational Information Will Be Most Insightful And Helpful While You Pursue Your Hopes & Dreams In Network Marketing.

Who Is Tim Sales?

For eleven years, Tim defused bombs as a member of the US Navy’s Elite Team, known as EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal). The US Navy must select only men who execute procedures perfectly because these men are responsible for the lives of others.
Tim learned that the secret to perfect execution was to break the procedures down into simple steps and then practice (called drilling in the Navy) each step in the correct sequence, over and over until he couldn’t do it wrong.  To this very day it is still Tim’s only philosophy to succeed in any profession.
In 1989, near the end of his tour with the US Navy he entered the MLM Industry by answering an ad in the Washington Post newspaper.  Five years later his network marketing income had risen to over $150,000 per month with over 56,000 people within his organization and more than 2,400 new distributors per month were entering from 20 different countries.
Tim’s successful experience and knowledge has made him a legend. He is one of the most sought after advisers, speakers, trainers and mentors in the industry. His products and training are the only known products that have stood the test of time. While many trainers come and go, their products suffering a short shelf life, his products carry on because they get results, setting the standards that many strive to achieve in their own training products.
Simply put, he is the master in this industry. He is not a “motivation” speaker.  He is a pragmatic trainer who takes MLM and makes it something anybody could succeed at. He’s delivered well over 10,000 presentations and training sessions all over the world.
It's My Honor To Introduce You To The Legend Tim Sales

To Your Success,
Shaun & Bobbie


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